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Human Resources

Putting people first in your human resources consulting strategies

We are your dependable partner in the war for HR talent. The war for top talent continues, with no end in sight. Organizations recognise that their people are their primary differentiator, so they are constantly fighting to attract, recruit, and retain the best talent possible.


In these battles, who is leading the charge? Human capital. Because it touches so many aspects of an organisation, the HR function is critical to a company's success on the battlefield: talent acquisition, talent management, compensation and benefits, leadership development, succession planning, organisational development, diversity and inclusion, innovation, and more. However, HR departments cannot do it alone; they require the assistance of a reliable partner such as RightSource Global.


Our Human Resources Center of Expertise assists you in attracting, developing, and retaining world-class chief human resources officers (CHROs) and their senior teams in order to leverage HR as an integral business strategy. From strategic search to competency-based assessments and engaging, interactive high-potential leadership development programmes to one-on-one coaching, strategic talent design, and succession planning, we provide a full range of solutions to address CHRO talent needs.

How we can assist

We have an unparalleled depth of expertise, research, and thought leadership as the global leader in organisational consulting, allowing us to meet the diverse needs of HR leaders. Our proactive human resource strategists translate corporate goals into effective human resource programmes, driving growth and fostering coveted "best place to work" cultures.


Here are some of the challenges we can help you address:

Rethinking talent for the present and the future

A talent shortage, according to nearly half (45 percent) of CHROs, is one of the most significant challenges they will face in the coming years. And, as organisations continue to transform in response to a changing market and trends like digitalization, human resource officers are already rethinking what talent their organisations will require. We can help in the following ways:

  • Determine what "good" means in each role, including the skill sets and competencies required for success.

  • Assess your current workforce using our Success Profiles to identify development and hiring needs.

  • Upskill and reskill employees, and place talent in appropriate roles.

Identifying the next generation of HR leaders

Globalization, change management, and the growing complexity of the HR function all place the CHRO in the spotlight as a trusted advisor to boards, CEOs, and the executive team. CHROs must be strategic, understand the complexities of aligning talent and business strategy, and create alignment across executive leadership teams in order to thrive. Here's how we can assist you in developing your leadership pipeline:

  • Determine the key competencies, characteristics, and motivators required for successful HR executives.

  • Utilize our global network to identify emerging and current HR leaders.

  • Create a leadership development programme to increase the contributions and impact of HR executives.

Providing a unique and exceptional employee experience

Employee engagement is an important indicator of organisational health and long-term performance. Organizations with high levels of employee engagement outperform competitors in terms of innovation, productivity, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. However, 30% of employees report being disengaged at work, and they pose a real threat to their employer, whether through the costs of employee turnover, the loss of intellectual capital, or negativity that may spread to the rest of their team. We assist organisations in a variety of ways to increase employee engagement:

  • Survey your workforce to learn about their wants and needs.

  • Determine and assess the talent and organisational levers that are linked to operational metrics.

  • Create a programme for employee experience that promotes alignment and change.

Creating a talent strategy that allows the business strategy to be carried out

Human resources, like any other business unit, must articulate and demonstrate its value through tangible outcomes and sound metrics. HR can unleash the true power of their organisations' talent when managed strategically. Here's how we can assist you in releasing your talent:

  • Create a vision that enables everyone to understand how their work contributes to the success of the organisation.

  • Reward performance in ways that motivate and engage your employees while also ensuring a good return on investment for your organisation.

  • Demonstrate how performance management and individual development strategies increase business value.

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